Sunday, March 29, 2009


In the interest of full disclosure I'm declaring this a buzzword-free blog (as much as humanly possible). So to take my own advice, I've changed my "Who I am" info. to reflect my actual job title. It was "Change Catalyst Manager" which sounds like a manager of chemical reactions. I am what I am, a "Growth Services Manager". I manage a group that provides services for clients to grow their business. Lessons learned-
  • Be real and honest, your customers will appreciate the fresh air.
  • Don't conform to the latest fad regardless of who's doing it unless you've investigated how it will benefit you. Saying I'm on Twitter is less important than saying how you are using Twitter for business growth (I'm still investigating this one I'll admit).
  • Keep the focus on the practical, less talk, less jargon, more tactical action and followup

1 comment:

  1. I like your actual title. Thought originally you were a Chem E in ATDC or something.
